Spring at last 2023

Posted on May 28th, 2023 by

NB: Some of the drawings are available to buy. Just contact me if interested.

Working with Rothko NGA Washington DC

Morning conversation with Platanus X. 29 5 23

Two page flood tide

The City from Limehouse

On Piccadilly (Coffee)

Gemini, with Venus

Garth Knox, in rehearsal


From the desk, Oberhoden

Schloss Oberhofen

From my desk on Lake Thun

Talking about Rakhmaninov Op13

Night on the River

Fellow Passenger on the District Line

Without my sketch book, Shadwell

Cote Pond, Connecticut

Lost Coral on 90th Street West

On the terrace, 300 Central Park West

By the Hudson

Spring in Central Park

Hepworth Strung Figure NGA DC

Working with Picasso NGA DC

With Michael Alec Rose at the Smithsonian, Washington DC

A day talking about colour with young composers at Ithaca College