Resource page for Soundbox – 28 1 21

Posted on January 27th, 2021 by

Modelling Collaboration: past and present

Samuel Dushkin and Igor Stravinsky 1931



Louis Krasner at NEC Boston. Photo: PSS

Adila Fachiri and Ethel Hobday play Debussy (1925)

Hans Werner Henze. A playlist of collaboration

Peter with Henze. September 1989 

Garrick and Jelly d’Aranyi arrive! Preparations for Peter’s ‘Only Connect’ Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery 2011


Joseph Joachim

The young Joachim

Widmann – mid workshops sketch/fax 1995

Poul Ruders – ‘Bel Canto’

The Kreutzer Quartet (leader PSS) plays Judith Weir

Montepulciano Summer 1990

Playlist: David Matthews

My analysis of David Matthews’ ‘birthday piece’ for Richard Bram

Peter, with Aaron Shorr, plays Bartok (dedicated to Jelly D’Aranyi in Kosovo)

Peter Sheppard Skaerved plays George Rochberg

George Rochberg with Marius Sheppard Skaerved. Newton Sq. , PA, 2001

Peter Shepppard Skaerved plays Gloria Coates Concerti, Quartets, Solo Works

Gloria Coates at Home in Munich. 9 3 17

PSS plays Widmann

WIth Widmann in Breitenbrunn, Bayern. 1993 (Photo: Bernd Noelle)

A favourite letter from Henze, on my desk. 2 4 17

The composer’s desk. Edward Cowie’s workspace, Cumbria 2019

With composer David Lancaster, workshopping at the National Centre of Early Music, York(Photo-Chris Leedham)

The workshop in London and Georgia. Working with Evis Sammoutis, on his Nikosia Etudes-preparing for Bergen International Festival and then more . April 21 2016

Shadows and staves. Workshop in progress, on Michael Alec Rose’s ‘Cararra Blocks’ with Ramakrishnan Kumaran

Workshop with Kreutzer Quartet, Michael Finnissy and Southampton University Composers. Turner Sims Concert Hall 7 3 16

End of the morning colour workshop-with reference to Widmann, Sadie Harrison, Nigel Clarke (Nigel, look closely at the stand), Henze, Glass, Sculthorpe, Lachenmann..24 1 15

End of the morning colour workshop-with reference to Widmann, Sadie Harrison, Nigel Clarke (Nigel, look closely at the stand), Henze, Glass, Sculthorpe, Lachenmann. Oslo. 24 1 15

Sketch by Paul Pellay for Book 6 of the cycle ‘Con(di)vergences’

Amy Senkrah with Liszt

Colour Workshop: Marco Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico. 2005

Bela Bartok to Yehudi Menuhin, 1944. Foyle/Menuhin Archive. RAM 27 10 15

Elgar’s hidden personal dedication to Menuhin ‘Adumbration, Admiration’ 1933 in the score of the Violin concerto

Bartok (at the piano) rehearsing his ‘Contrasts’ with Szigeti and Benny Goodman in New York.

Peter with the Zagreb Soloists. Dubrovnik 2002