Questions and suggestions.

Posted on August 12th, 2017 by

I will post here any particular questions that come up, through E mail, Facebook, etc, if I think that they might be on interest.

12 8 17 Notation – From Composer Neil Talbot

‘I was wanting to ask you a question about all the MSS you receive (or find) for your violin alone series. How would you, as a violinist, respond to music written on two staves, the lower on an Alto Clef, the higher on a treble clef (or treble clef 8, for the octave above)? For a composer, it might be easier to notate. What would it be like for the performer?’

I am very interested in the most creative solutions to these questions. and encourage the use of multiple clefs, staves etc. A lot of the 17th Century repertoire I play uses soprano clef, and I love the solutions of say, Westhoff. Back of course, notates violin music in treble, soprano and alto clef (the Passepied from the 1st Orchestral Suite). At various times, composers writing for me use double staves (David Mattews for four-part counterpoint), Bass clef (Michael Alec Rose-for a low line) and many more. I think that the crucial point, is, as music does not need to be designed to be sight-read, then the most creative, inspiring notation solution is always the one that I like. Show me what you have in mind!