Quiet inspirations: an evening with Pepys & Matteis

Posted on December 26th, 2013 by

26th December 2013. Inspired by wonderful days of candlelit conversation with friends, and a gift of Samuel Pepy’s Diary, I found myself playing Nicolao Matteis at the table this evening.

Nicolao Matteis-Selected Preludes (Peter Sheppard Skaerved) Andrea Amati 1560 (bow by Antonino Arienti 2011)(workshop recording-at the desk!)

Samuel Pepys-'Novemb. 19th 1674. I hear that stupendous violin, Sig. Nicholao (with other rare musicians), whom I never heard mortal man exceed on that instrument. He had a stroak so sweete, and made it speak like the voice of a man, and, when he pleas’d, like a consort of several instruments. He did wonders upon a note, and was an excellent composer. … nothing approached the violin in Nicholao’s hand. He plaied such ravishing things as astonished us all.”'

Samuel Pepys-‘Novemb. 19th 1674. I hear that stupendous violin, Sig. Nicholao (with other rare musicians), whom I never heard mortal man exceed on that instrument. He had a stroak so sweete, and made it speak like the voice of a man, and, when he pleas’d, like a consort of several instruments. He did wonders upon a note, and was an excellent composer. … nothing approached the violin in Nicholao’s hand. He plaied such ravishing things as astonished us all.”’

Nicola Matteis, by Godfrey Kneller

Nicola Matteis, by Godfrey Kneller