A Concert for Kokyra – Materials for Peter’s concert at the Korkyra Baroque Festival , Croatia 15 9 22

Posted on June 13th, 2022 by

Peter Sheppard Skærved

Playing/talking. Full Circle, Brussels. 9 6 22

‘The 17th Century Violin, Alone’

Peter Sheppard Skærved explores the extraordinary world of late 1600s music for violin alone.

Virtuosos from Salzburg, London, Naples, Lübeck, Bologna, and beautiful works by an anonymous nun from Convent of St. Georgen am Längsee in Carinthia. This was an age of brilliant, travelling virtuosi, who were popularising the work of the great Amati family of violin makers, two of which can be heard in today’s concert. The music that they played was new, so there is a counterpoint with two living composers, one of whom, the Macedonian composer Mihailo Trandafilovski, is a brilliant violinist himself.


Johann Joseph Vilsmayr (1663-1722)   G minor Partia (‘Artificiosus Concentus pro Camera’) (Scordatura GDad) (Publ. 1715)

Thomas Baltzar (1630-1663)                   ‘Four Tunings’ (Scordatura AEac#)

Thomas Baltzar – 1630-1660

Anonymous/Klagenfurt ms. (ca.1685)  G Minor Suite (Scordatura GDad)

The wonderful Klagenfurt Handskrift. Designed to fit into a coat pocket-tied up with a ribbon-see remains on the right

Giuseppe Torelli (1658 – 1709)              E minor Prelude (Publ. 1700)

The first capital from the 1688 edition of Torelli’s Op 4 Concertini, dedicated to the Duke of Modona

Nicola Matteis (fl. c. 1670 – 1717?)       G major Prelude & Sarabanda (1676)

Nicola Matteis by Godfrey_Kneller (best known for his portraits of Pepys and Newton)

Ambrogio Lonati; (c.1645 – c.1712)      D minor Prelude ( Publ. 1700)

Ambrogio Lonati

Mihailo Trandafilovski (Macedonia)      ‘Chaconne’ (2022) World Premiere

In the studio with Mihailo Trandafilovski
Hastoe Village Hall 21 4 22

nb – this only a studio performance – no public performance

Ivan Skender – New Work