Run by the river 2/Winter Storm 7 2 21

Post practice overnight counterpoint (K A Hartmann – 2nd Solo Sonata) 4 3 21

Morning Diptych: avant l’Aurore/willow by the dock 1 3 2021

Conversation by our river.Pelican Stairs 18 2 21

The Defence rests/Conversations with Peder Balke 12 2 21

Impeachment arguments: wave/onslaught 10 2 21

Impeachiment arguments: discontents/lava field 10 2 21

Impeachment arguments/still the East Wind blows
9 2 21

Winter Storm 2/ 8 2 21

4 am: voices outside 6 2 21

The Philosopher King/Conversation with M & M 15 1 21

Winter comes around again 4 2 21

The foxes’ cry/2 am Wapping Rose Gardens 25 1 21

Early morning conversation 2 22 1 21

Early morning conversation 1 22 1 21

Night run by the river: wind building 19 1 21

Boxing Day: Limehouse, Stepney, Whitechapel, Aldgate, Minories, Wapping 26 12 20

Morning of conversation/Mensen Ernst departs. 18 1 21

Practising Eward Cowie. Early morning.
15 1 21

Remembered Landscape/not here 8 1 21

The day begins. 6 1 12

Coffee in the square mile with Malene Sheppard Skaerved yesterday ( I have been tied to the desk today) – a glimpse of the sky from a bench under what used to be called the Natwest Tower. I find John Clare is in my head: ‘I see the sky/Smile on the meanest spot/Giving to all the creep or walk or flye/A calm and cordial lot’ 2 1 12

One thing I miss about the normal routine, is watching people – particularly on the Tube. Today, on the District Line from Whitechapel to Victoria. 29 12 20

Sleeping city. 13 1 12

Dreams of the City 5 1 21

Morning Coffee with a Willow Tree by the water 27 12 20

Conversation, coffee, a shared piece of carrot cake and pruned Tilia × europaea. 12 12 20

Christmas morning: the river beneath 25 12 21

The last of England – Cement Plant.
From my table… 20 12 21

Salisbury. just a mnemonic of one of the most-loved vistas… you walk a few minutes from the station, and then you get this 9 12 20
Posted on December 12th, 2020 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved