This is little more than a rattlebag of materials linked to the Soundbox session on the 14th January. There’s no rhyme nor reason to its organisation! Don’t worry, there will be some structure to the session!
Audio transcript of the session:

Exquisite drawings by composer/artist Hafliði Hallgrímsson, friend and inspiration for most of my life!

Paul Klee – 1st violin, playing cello quintets with his friends in the studio. His birthday is today! 18th December 1879

2nd August: a painting I have known all my life, and suddenly it’s in New York. Titian’s ‘Flaying of Marsyas’ (1570) at the Breuer (the old Whitney) extension of the Met. Impossible to tear myself away from this indictment of cruelty

The composer’s Hand. Robert Saxton demonstrates how he builds material in my notebook 2017

Discussing tapestry and the fine points of weaving. Jan Groth and Malene Skaerved
David Matthews – ‘The Flaying of Marsyas’ Kreutzer Quartet, Chris Redgate Oboe (Live performance)

Working with Messiaen as a student at the RAM, 1986
Olivier Messiaen – Fantaisie 1933 Peter Sheppard Skaerved & Roderick Chadwick (Live performance 2015)

Messiaen’s bird transcriptions on my practice desk. 2020

Mihailo Trandafilovski playing Cage to Rauschenberg, Tate Modern 2017

Working out some of the shapes in the Saxton Prelude. July 15th 2019

Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson-who collaborated on ‘Four Saints in Three Acts’ in 1928-the year that he wrote ‘Gertude Stein as a Young Girl’

PSS with Sir Michael Tippett 1995

Runic drawings. On the wall in Jan Groth.’s apartment. 29 11 16 Oslo

The composer’s desk. Edward Cowie’s workspace, Cumbria 2019

Edward Cowie’s extraordinary drawing for ‘Song Thrush’ from Birdsong Bagatelles

Playing under the Gobi Desert Buddhas (British Museum)

Egon Schiele -Self Portrait (detail)

In action at ONLY CONNECT September 6 2011

Howard Skempton performing in the Sculpture Garden of Barbara Hepworth’s Trewyn Studio. May 2003

Playing Ernst’s transcription of Schubert’s ‘Erlkonig’, surrounded by the work of Meriele Neudecker, Tate St IVes, 2004. Photo: Richard Bram

Priaulx Rainier by photographer Malcolm Lawson
Priualx Rainier – Untitled Movement for Violin and piano 1935 Peter Sheppard Skaerved & Roderick Chadwick

The Flight of Swallows. Bavaria July 2010

Silverpoint Conversation with Deedee Schwartz 2009
Elliott Schwartz – Portrait ( Maria Cosway & Thomas Jefferson) Peter Sheppard Skaerved- Violin

Emma Hart (Hamilton) in Naples-“This drawing was made by Madame le-Brun, (1790) with a piece of charcoal from the kitchen, on a door of a room at the Casino of Sir William Hamilton…and removed on orders of the Chevalier who was eager to own and conserve this piece by this lovable and sublime artist.”

‘same strand’. Humlebaek, Sjaelland-Peter Sheppard Skaerved

Coffee with Aphra Benn. Westminster Abbey. January 2009

Gloria Coates at Home in Munich. 9 3 17

T S Eliot – Patrick Heron (National Portrait Gallery London)

No. 14 ‘For EveMolesworth’ 12 1 15

Hafliði Hallgrimsson at our rehearsal today in Reykjavik. 28 9 19

Artist amongst composers. The wonderful hand of Hallgrimsson. My working score of ‘Klee the Virtuoso’

Talking about Beethoven under a wonderful painting by Joanna Jones 26 3 15

Mihailo Trandafilovski in conversation (painting by Edward Cowie behind)

Sadie Harrison working with writer Malene Skaerved

Simon Shaw-Miller. Art Historian and inspiration of David Gorton’s 5th Caprice-Photo-Richard Bram

The stage is set. Piano, microphones and screen, with the first Peter Weiss painting of Michael Hersch’s cycle – 1 Selbstporträt zwischen Tod und Schwester (1935) Self-Portrait between Death and Sister

Shared work table with Michael Alec Rose-the Bothy, Manaton. While working on his ‘Erme Plains’ the result of today’s walk Dartmoor, we realised that his ‘Horror’ movement of the new work for the wonderful pianist, Zubin Kanga, transcribes very well for solo violin.

Dartmoor evening. Winter 2015

Garrison’s writing cabin. River Falls, Wisconsin

A favourite place to work. At Garo Keheyan’s ‘Shoe Factory’, practising Villsmayr, with help from Sammoutis scores on the wall 26 6 17

Antoine Watteau-The Shepherds (detail) .Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin
Posted on December 15th, 2020 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved