Peter Sheppard Skærved – The Violinists’ Practice Desk
Strung Out – the violinist walks….
Wednesday July 22nd 4pm

The Exhale
Peter Sheppard Skærved – The Violinists’ Practice Desk
With guest – composer Jim Aitchison
Strung Out – the violinist walks….
Philip Glass – ‘Strung out’: Upon his return from India in 1963, Philip Glass wrote this extraordinary solo piece, a twenty-minute long stream of quaver figurations designed to be played by a walking violinist. At first sight, this piece might seem like an exercise in concentration, demanding great evenness of colour, rhythm and dynamic. However, long acquaintance with the work reveals something quite different: Glass is teaching the importance of what might be called the ‘floating’ approach, ‘effortless effort’. How can we practice this, and how can this practice be applied across all our work?

Find out more about the work of Jim Aitchison here!

Played by PSS on a Hardanger Violin presented to Ole Bull
St Paul Minnesota Summer 2016

Posted on July 19th, 2020 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved