Henze – resource page 15 5 2020

Posted on May 15th, 2020 by

Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) September 1989 Gütersloh

Hans Werner Henze – Hirtenlied II (Shepherd’s Song) /Peter Sheppard Skaerved & Aaron Shorr (from 5 Night-Pieces – dedicated to PSS 1990)


First notice of the piece
  5 Nachtstücke as they arrived
Permission slip?
The joy of MSS (lapsus)
Work with the composer – errata 1
Oops – and solution to non-existent (unless you can reach an octave on IV) flageolet
Italian rubato in rehearsal
German rubato in rehearsal
Conduct with the pencil
With Henze

Playlist for today (extracts from Concerti 1-3, Sonatas, Solo works, Il Vitalino …)