Michael Alec Rose – Ex Cathedra FIRST LISTEN!

Posted on February 12th, 2020 by

Composer and violinist after the premiere of Ex Cathedra. St Anne & St Agnes, London 7 2 20

Michael Alec Rose ( 1959- ) – Ex Cathedra ( 2018- 2020)

Peter Sheppard Skaerved – Violin (Girolamo Amati 1628)
Outtakes from Recording 5 2 20 – St John the Baptist, Aldbury

Engineer – Jonathan Haskell

Musical Supervision – Michael Alec Rose

My copy of Rose’s score for ‘Little Song for the Ages’

I. Tower & Nave

II. Apse & Transepts

III. Choir & Altar

IV. Little Song for the Ages

The morning of the Recording. St John the Baptist Aldbury 5 2 20