Working with Edward Cowie. Kreutzer Quartet in Cumbra 23-24/2/19

Posted on February 24th, 2019 by

PSS, Edwar and Heather Cowie, ClifonHarrison, Mihailo Trandafilovski, Neil Heyde


The many-aisled concert venue-legacy of the wealth from wool

Kendal Parish Church, after the concert

The composer’s desk. Cowie’s workspace

Edward Cowie and MihailoTrandafilovski

The composer Edward Cowie and I are both GWR fans, so this table of Halls, Castles, Kings, Prairies and Panniers was a treat,in my bedroom


Kreutzer Quartet in Kendal Parish Church

Probably too relaxed. Playing Ravel in concert….

Clifton Harrison in Kendal

Neil Heyde at the post concert party

Mihailo Trandafilovski in conversation (painting by Edward Cowie behind)