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Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2017«

Archive 2016

February 28, 2017

‘Peter Sheppard Skærved er en sann virtuos, formidler og historieforteller.’ – Bergens Tidende. February 2016 I am delighted to answer-just use the ‘Contact’ link. It is incredibly useful for me to be able to hear responses, ideas and suggestions, so I really appreciate them Aspects of the Bow-Piano Gallery, Royal Academy of Music, Friday 10th February, […]

February -March 2017: Cities of Patterns & People

February 19, 2017

‘Brothers’ Amati Viola plays Le Sieur de Machy-Pièces de violle (1685)

February 17, 2017

Le Sieur de Machy-Pièces de violle (1685) Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Viola ‘Brothers’ Amati (1620), Bow-Antonio Airenti 2012 (Workshop Recording – 17 2 17)

John Cage -Atlas Elipticalis (Home and Tate)

February 13, 2017

John Cage -Atlas Elipticalis (Home and Tate Modern) Wapping Version 1: Wapping Version 2: Peter Sheppard Skaerved & Mihailo Trandafilovski (Violins) 12 2 16 (Rehearsals at home in Wapping and in the Robert Rauschenberg Exhibit at Tate Modern)    

Instruments and Ideas: Aspects of the Bow

February 9, 2017

Instruments and Ideas: Aspects of the Bow Johann Sebastian Bach – Giga (E Major Partita 1006) Peter Sheppard Skaerved – Violin (W E Hill & Sons 1901) 1.     Stephen Bristow (1952-) 2010 2.     Arthur Richard Bultitude (1908 – 1990) 1970 3.     Johannes S. Finkel (1947 – ) 1986 4.     James Tubbs ‘Elgar'(1835 – 1921) 1878 5.     […]

Edward Cowie – Particle Partita (Live 2017)

February 7, 2017

Edward Cowie  – ‘Particle Partita’ (2012) The Democritus Question/Mendeleev’s Table/Bequerel’s Radioactivity/Rutherfords Nucleus & Thompson’s Electron/Positron to Muon/Meson to Lepton (Passacaglia)/November Revolution/The Higgs Boson, and beyond … Peter Sheppard Skærved & Mihailo Trandafilovski-Violins Deptford Council Chambers, Golsmiths College, February 2nd 2017

Isobel Mundry-Balancen (2006)

February 4, 2017

Isobel Mundry-Balancen (2006) Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Live (April 2016) Recording courtesty of Bayerische Rundfunk

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