Last day. Winter Arrives. Frost. Woodsmoke rising and leveling in the cold. Chiltern Hills 30 11 16

Season change. For Patricia Hampl 25 9 16

A day in this city. Bored 11-year old in Smithfield (eliciting a flash of Walter Scott),

Conversation, 3 11 16

A moment of quiet conversation surrounded by Hogarth, Gainsborough, Highmore, Zoffany, Canaletto. Slack jawed wonder. A man walks in, stands in front of a Hogarth: ‘I know it’s not great art, but I like it.’ 1 11 16

Conversations. 29 10 16

Conversation in Tianjin 2010 16

On the tube October 2016

Exhausation. Train home. 14 10 16

Growth/bowstroke (for Mihailo Trandafilovski) 10 10 16

Furrows/H* Pencil 10 10 16

Fan-vault dandelion clock. 9-10/10/16

For Jan Groth. 9 10 16

For Gregory Rose. Weather Change 8 10 16

For Luca Alessandrini 6 10 16

Horizontal Light. For Sadie Harrison 2 10 16

Exhaustion on the Tube 26 9 16

With Delaroche and Lady Jnae Grey NG 1 10 16

First Rains of Autumn. Wapping 1 10 16

Variation 2. Autumn 2016. Underfoot. 26 9 16
Posted on September 25th, 2016 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved