Michael Alec Rose-Unturned Stones (2012)

Posted on July 19th, 2016 by

Michael Alec Rose-Unturned Stones (2012)
Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Violin (Amati)
Diana Mathews-Viola (Testore)
Unedited outtakes-18 7 2016
St John the Baptist, Aldbury
Engineer-Jonathan Haskell

Eppur si muove A courtesy toward being
Coming home to the world

Turned stones on my desk: Ironstone from Hartfordshire, Soapstone from Bergen, Granite from Lamorna, Fossils from Nashville, and a miraculous stone from Garo Keheyan's Olive Grove in Cyprus

Turned stones on my desk: Ironstone from Hartfordshire, Soapstone from Bergen, Granite from Lamorna, Fossils from Nashville, and a miraculous stone from Garo Keheyan’s Olive Grove in Cyprus