Anonymous ‘2 Arie’
Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Violin (W E Hill & Sons 1900) Bow (Tourte ca.1770)
Workshop recording (at the desk) 9 am 25 2 16
I am constantly struck by the rich store or anonymous music, particularly from the 18th century. Musicians have always been practical people and set very high store by a piece of clean paper. I found this beautiful pair of arias for solo violin inscriber at the back of a Liege edition of Carlo Tessarini’s ‘Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre par théorie dans un mois de temps à jouer le violon, divisé en trois classes, avec des leçons à deux violons par gradation’ (Liège, 1750)
I suspect that it was written in, at some time in the 1760s
No idea who wrote it, but it is beautiful, and I can’t wait to put it into a concert…
Posted on February 25th, 2016 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved