Birds of my Childhood

Posted on November 21st, 2015 by

Nuthatch (Sitta Europaea) Manaccan 22 11 15

Nuthatch (Sitta Europaea) Manaccan 22 11 15

A new project began to emerge this week: the musical element is on the way.

Grasshopper Warbler, Membury, Devon 20 11 15

Grasshopper Warbler, Membury, Devon 20 11 15

Curlew. River Ure, Yorkshire 21 11 15

Curlew. River Ure, Yorkshire 21 11 15

Birds of my childhood: Death of the Swift (apus apus). Woodford Green 22 11

Birds of my childhood: Death of the Swift (apus apus). Woodford Green 22 11

Buzzard (Buteo Buteo) Blackberry Castle

Buzzard (Buteo Buteo) Blackberry Castle

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). Eskdale

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). Eskdale

House Martin Delichon urbicum (apologies to JMWT) 261115

House Martin Delichon urbicum (apologies to JMWT) 261115

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina). Lambourne End.

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina). Lambourne End.

Dipper (Cinclus Cinclus) River Axe

Dipper (Cinclus Cinclus) River Axe

Alcedo Atthis: Kingfisher's view. Frenchman's Creek, Low Tide. Birds of my Childhood 30 11 15

Alcedo Atthis: Kingfisher’s view. Frenchman’s Creek, Low Tide. Birds of my Childhood 30 11 15

IMG_0244 (2)

Aegithalos Caudatos:Long-tailed Tit. Group foraging. 30 11 15

BIrds of my Childhood: Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Aldbury Common 3-4/12/15

BIrds of my Childhood: Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Aldbury Common 3-4/12/15

Treecreeper(Certhia familiaris) 5 12 15

Treecreeper(Certhia familiaris) 5 12 15

Greenfinch(Carduelis Chloris) Woodfor Green

Greenfinch(Carduelis Chloris)Woodford 6 12 15

Feral Pigeon/Rock Dove (Columba Livia) London Underground 6 12 15

Feral Pigeon/Rock Dove (Columba Livia) London Underground 6 12 15

Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) Maldon 8 12 15

Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) Maldon 8 12 15