Channel Firing at the National Portrait Gallery 24 4 15

Posted on April 26th, 2015 by

Peter Sheppard Skaerved playing Nigel Clarke's 'Epitaph' fpr Edith Cavell 24 4 15 NPG

Peter Sheppard Skaerved playing Nigel Clarke’s ‘Epitaph’ fpr Edith Cavell 24 4 15 NPG

....and love..., Sadie Harrison and Malene Sheppard Skaerved's radiant new songs, at the National Portrait Gallery tonight. With Eve Daniell and Roderick Chadwick-thanks to Marius Skaerved for the photos

….and love…, Sadie Harrison and Malene Sheppard Skaerved’s radiant new songs, at the National Portrait Gallery tonight. With Eve Daniell and Roderick Chadwick-thanks to Marius Skaerved for the photos

With poet Malene Skaerved after the premier of '...and love...' 24 4 15 NPG

With poet Malene Skaerved after the premier of ‘…and love…’ 24 4 15 NPG

Soprano Eve Daniell and Composer Sadie Harrison after the premiere of '...and love...' NPG 24 4 15

Soprano Eve Daniell and Composer Sadie Harrison after the premiere of ‘…and love…’ NPG 24 4 15