Off the Gotland Coast. Storm Building in the west 13 8 14

Southwest to Waltham Abbey from Epping. 2 9 14

North from Harty Ferry. 29-31 August 2014

Ghosts in the Water. Oare to Harty Ferry 30 8 14

Southwards in the North Sea. Morning 22 8 14

Weather approaching 21 8 14 3 pm

Putting to sea 21 8 14

Bornholm from the west 20 8 14 235pm

In our wake. 19 8 14

Stockholm. Evening. 19 8 14

Vasa. Figurehead 19 8 14

Vasa-from the starboard 19 8 14

Heavy weather coming in from the west. Passes quicky. 2- 3 pm Gulf of Finland 16th August

. Afternoon Light 2- 3 pm Gulf of Finland 16th August
Posted on August 14th, 2014 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved