Henze-Il Vitalino Raddoppiato (sneak peak of opening) -outtake from the day recording Henze’s concerto ‘Il Vitalino Raddopiato. 15th July 2103.Thankyou to Mihailo Trandafilovski, Inbar Vernia (the harp part is my mainstay in this piece, and I cannot imagine it being done better than this!) Midori Komachi, Preetha Narayanan, Maggie Dziekonski, Annabelle Berthome Reynolds, Alice Barron, Uilleac Whelan, Shulah Oliver, Diana Mathews, Lucy Railton, Valerie Welbanks, Shu-Wei Tseng, Rachel Meerloo, Emily Wiggins, Linda Merrick, Hayley Pullen, Christopher Redgate, Agatha Yim and Nigel Clarke-wonderful to have him as my musical spirit level, and the amazing engineering of Jonathan Haskell.
Posted on July 17th, 2013 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved