Bach-Chaconne 17th July 2013 (Session Outtake)
Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Stradivari 1698 (Joachim)
Engineer-Jonathan Haskell (Astounding Sounds)
This is something very important to me, the very last thing which I played on the 1698 Joachim Strad, before it went off to Switzerland. This has always been something important to me, like working with different composers. I am lucky enough to spend my life working on a variety of instruments, and I think that is is fair enough to say that none of them are ‘my voice’. Rather, each of them teaches me something, about myself, about the composers I play, about the instrument and the bow, and about the players who have used them before. This is the great privilege, to be part of this ongoing conversation. (PSS April l2014)
Posted on July 17th, 2013 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved