Ole Bull-Springdands at Lysøen

Posted on April 18th, 2013 by

Ole Bull-Springdands at Lysøen

On the 26th April 1866, Ole Bull was honoured by the Dansk Norsk Forening in Copenhagen. It was reported that after the toast and been exchanged and Bull honoured, the ‘Flaxen Haired Paganini’ stood quietly in the middle of the room and began to play. ‘Springdances, Hallings, burst from his violin and then he gave himself up to a free fantasy on a National Norwegian Air’.

This is one of Bull’s Springdanser, slightly embellished with the sort of improvisatory ornaments that are to be heard in his Fanitullen.

Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Violin

Workshop Recording in Ole Bull’s music room at  Lysøen/ 17 4 2013

Ole Bull honoured at the Dansk-Norsk Forening, 26th April 1866


Spring at Lysoen. 17 04 2013