Laura Konjetsky-‘die Rote Zugabe’

Posted on December 6th, 2012 by

Laura Konjetsky-‘die Rote Zugabe’

5 12 12.Munich. This morning, preparations begin for a premiere in Bamberg next month. The pianist/composer Laura Konjetsky has written me a new piece ‘die Rote Zugabe’ (the Red Encore), and today was our first workshop in her studio here in Munich.

The workshop ranged from the quotidien ‘Stoff’ of such collaboration (bowings, fingerings) through to some new things-imitating the sound of a repeated notes on a bass guitar, imagining improvising with a distant piano (as it were, in another room in the house), the true meaning of ‘Schmaltz’! Laura talked about finding the energy, the discovery, the feeling of ‘making it up’ which can be there when a performer plays an encore. This is what she is hunting for in the new work.

Composer/pianist Laura Konjetsky in her Studio in Munich. 6 12 2012


Laura Konjetsky-new work ‘die Rote Zugabe’. Here is part of the working score, with my scribblings from today’s highly enjoyable session 5 12 2012