David Matthews-Birthday Piece for Richard June 2012
Peter Sheppard Skaerved (Workshop recording-Baroque violin and bow, June 10th, Wapping)
The premiere of Mihailo Trandafilovski’s Diptych dedicated to Richard Bram on his 60th birthday was very well attended by composers, including John McCabe, David Gorton and David Matthews. Richard was delighted that David had made him a very musical birthday card, a tiny piece constructed from the notes of this surname B(flat)-R (re=D)-A-M (mi=E). I swiped a photocopy, and could not resist posting it, with a very crude analysis, an elegant demonstration of how to make tremendous atmosphere with minimal resources. Just the four letter/notes, with three raised Bs-in German notation, this makes H-H-H-which, I suspect, is, Hip-Hip-Hooray! So a birthday composition lesson!!!
Posted on June 10th, 2012 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved