Select Preludes and Vollentaries (1705)

Posted on March 31st, 2012 by

Talking about the 'Preludes and Vollenteries', in the Strings Gallery of the Royal Academy of Music. Photo. Hana Zushi

Select Preludes and Vollentaries for the Violin (Pub. Walsh and Hart, London 1705)

Link to Torelli and Anne Finch

The wonderful frontispiece to 'Preludes or Vollentaries'

Workshop recordings: Peter Sheppard Skaerved-Violins (Stradivari & Duke, Bows by Airenti)

Wapping/Baltimore April 2012

No 2 Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709)- E minor Prelude

Giuseppe Torelli

No 15 Signr Vital Junr  (Tomaso Antonio Vitali)1663-1745-D minor Prelude

Tomaso Antonio Vitali

No 16 Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667 – 1752)

John Christopher Pepusch by Thomas Hudson

No 17 Signr Ambrogio Lonati Carlo Ambrogio Lonati/Lunati(ca.1645 – 1712?)

Ambrogio Lonati

No 18 Mr Henry Purcell (1659 (?)-1695)-G minor Prelude

Henry Purcell by John Closterman

No 21 Giovanni Battista Bassani 1650 – 1 October 1716

Giovanni Battista Bassani

No. 24 ?Pietro Andrea Ziani (1620-1684)- F minor Prelude 

No. 28 Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) – C minor Prelude

Giuseppe Torelli

No 32 Nicola Matteice (Matheis) (fl. c. 1670 – c. 1698)  -C minor Prelude 


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