Mozart-Sinfonia Concertante. Wilton's Music Hall 18 April 2010. Onstage: Pedro Meireles, Gail Hernadez Rosa, Mihailo Trandafilovski, Alice Barron, Preetha Narayana, Ian Burdge, Jessica Hayes, Rachel Meerloo, Shulah Oliver, Diana Matthews, Mike Kidd, Michael Thompson, Chris Redgate, Rachel Baldock, Morgan Goff and PSS. Photo Courtesy PG Woolf
Mozart – Horn Quintet K 407
Michael Thompson-Horn
PSS-Violin, Diana Mathews & Morgan Goff-Violas, Rachel Meerloo-Double Bass
Michael Thompson is without doubt, a miraculous musician, and it is an extraordinary honour to sit and play with him. Here he is in action at Wiltons Music Hall.
Here is the central movement from Mozart’s ‘Nannerl-Divertimento’, written for his sister’s name day (26th July) in 1776.
PSS, Mihailo Trandafilovski, Morgan Goff, Jessica Hayes, Rachel Meerloo, Michael Thompson, Mike Kidd, Chris Redgate.
Live performance-Wilton’s Music Hall, Sunday 18th April 2010
Recording Courtesy of Colin Still. OpticNerve Productions
“One must not play a solo before one can accompany right well. One must first know how to make all the variants of bowings; must understand how to introduce piano and forte in the right place and in right measure; one must learn to distinguish between the characteristics of pieces and to execute all passages according to their own particular flavour; and in a word one must be able to read the work of many artists correctly an gracefully before one begins to play concertos and solos. It can be seen at once from a painting whether he who has executed it be a master of drawing; and in the same manner, many a one would play a solo more intelligently if he had ever learnt to accompany an aria with the right effect and according to the character thereof.” Leopold Mozart, A treatise on the fundamental principles of violin playing (1753
Posted on April 19th, 2010 by Peter Sheppard Skaerved